{"id":1848,"date":"2018-10-31T21:18:50","date_gmt":"2018-10-31T21:18:50","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/finishastory.com\/?page_id=1848"},"modified":"2021-12-05T23:54:21","modified_gmt":"2021-12-05T23:54:21","slug":"a-genius-plan","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/finishastory.com\/stories\/a-genius-plan\/","title":{"rendered":"A Genius Plan"},"content":{"rendered":"


A Genius Plan<\/h2><\/span>

“I don’t believe you.”<\/p>\n

“It’s 100% true.”<\/p>\n

“It can’t be. A magic stone? That’s how you became a millionaire?”<\/p>\n

“Well, not directly, but yeah.”<\/p>\n

“Huh. Okay. Well, can you at least elaborate a bit? Where did you get this stone?”<\/p>\n

“From a beach. Me and my family visited one in France this summer. It’s called Paloma Beach, on the French Riviera.”<\/p>\n<\/div>


“Ouu, well la dee da, that sounds fancy.”<\/p>\n

“Sorta. It’s just a beach. Not even a big one really. But it was on my last day there I found this unusual looking stone on the shore.”<\/p>\n

“Unusual how?”<\/p>\n

“It’s… hard to explain. In my hand it looks black but when I first spotted it it was shining with all the colours of the rainbow. I thought it was a trick of the light, like… well, I have this gemstone at home called labradorite that reflects light in this special way that makes it look like there’s a blue light moving around inside of it. It’s really cool. Anyway, I saw this stone gleaming on the edge of the water and I picked it up. But when I did it was just black. I wanted to see its lights again so I decided to take it back to our hotel. But still it didn’t change. Then I took it home with me and put it in my bedroom and kinda just forgot about it for a while.”<\/p>\n

“Okay, so, when did it do, you know… what it did to you?”<\/p>\n

“Oh, that was about three weeks ago. In the middle of the night I woke up to find it glowing, filling my whole bedroom with dancing rainbow coloured lights. And… it was making a sort of humming, pulsing sound. Not very loud, but still a sound. I got up to take a closer look at it and at first I just stared at it. But then I reached out to touch it. I just had to, y’know? That’s when it happened. There was this big flash of light and everything went white. I actually fell down and I guess I must\u2019ve somehow been knocked out because when I opened my eyes again it was early morning. I went back over to the stone but it was just plain black again.”<\/p>\n

“Did you think you’d dreamt the whole thing?”<\/p>\n

“Not really. The thought crossed my mind of course, but the experience was way too vivid to be a dream. Plus, I know I don’t sleepwalk, so how would I have ended up on the floor?”<\/p>\n

“Okay, fair enough. So what did you do next?”<\/p>\n

“What could I do? I got ready for school. It was only when I started my lessons that day that I realised that something was different.”<\/p>\n

“Different, like..?”<\/p>\n

“Like everything was easy. Like, really<\/em> easy. The first lesson was maths and every question had an obvious answer for me. That was odd enough, but then when we started doing history and geography I realised I knew the name of every city in the world, every historical figure, every significant event. I wasn’t just smarter<\/em>, I knew\u2026 well, everything. Everything about everything.”<\/p>\n

“No way<\/em>! You’ve gotta be pulling my leg.”<\/p>\n

“The origin of the phrase ‘pulling my leg’ is unknown, but it was first mentioned in The Newark Daily Advocate in Ohio in 1883.”<\/p>\n

“…okay, I believe you. A magic stone it is. But none of this explains how you became an instant millionaire.”<\/p>\n

“Oh, well that was actually pretty easy…”<\/p>\n<\/div>


How did they become a millionaire?<\/strong><\/p>\n

What obstacles stood in the way of them becoming a millionaire?<\/strong><\/p>\n

What are some interesting ways this character could use their super-intelligence?<\/strong><\/p>\n<\/div>


Now submit your own ending below and\/or read what others have posted.<\/p>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>


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