A Genius Plan

“I don’t believe you.”

“It’s 100% true.”

“It can’t be. A magic stone? That’s how you became a millionaire?”

“Well, not directly, but yeah.”

“Huh. Okay. Well, can you at least elaborate a bit? Where did you get this stone?”

“From a beach. Me and my family visited one in France this summer. It’s called Paloma Beach, on the French Riviera.”

A Genius Plan

“Ouu, well la dee da, that sounds fancy.”

“Sorta. It’s just a beach. Not even a big one really. But it was on my last day there I found this unusual looking stone on the shore.”

“Unusual how?”

“It’s… hard to explain. In my hand it looks black but when I first spotted it it was shining with all the colours of the rainbow. I thought it was a trick of the light, like… well, I have this gemstone at home called labradorite that reflects light in this special way that makes it look like there’s a blue light moving around inside of it. It’s really cool. Anyway, I saw this stone gleaming on the edge of the water and I picked it up. But when I did it was just black. I wanted to see its lights again so I decided to take it back to our hotel. But still it didn’t change. Then I took it home with me and put it in my bedroom and kinda just forgot about it for a while.”

“Okay, so, when did it do, you know… what it did to you?”

“Oh, that was about three weeks ago. In the middle of the night I woke up to find it glowing, filling my whole bedroom with dancing rainbow coloured lights. And… it was making a sort of humming, pulsing sound. Not very loud, but still a sound. I got up to take a closer look at it and at first I just stared at it. But then I reached out to touch it. I just had to, y’know? That’s when it happened. There was this big flash of light and everything went white. I actually fell down and I guess I must’ve somehow been knocked out because when I opened my eyes again it was early morning. I went back over to the stone but it was just plain black again.”

“Did you think you’d dreamt the whole thing?”

“Not really. The thought crossed my mind of course, but the experience was way too vivid to be a dream. Plus, I know I don’t sleepwalk, so how would I have ended up on the floor?”

“Okay, fair enough. So what did you do next?”

“What could I do? I got ready for school. It was only when I started my lessons that day that I realised that something was different.”

“Different, like..?”

“Like everything was easy. Like, really easy. The first lesson was maths and every question had an obvious answer for me. That was odd enough, but then when we started doing history and geography I realised I knew the name of every city in the world, every historical figure, every significant event. I wasn’t just smarter, I knew… well, everything. Everything about everything.”

“No way! You’ve gotta be pulling my leg.”

“The origin of the phrase ‘pulling my leg’ is unknown, but it was first mentioned in The Newark Daily Advocate in Ohio in 1883.”

“…okay, I believe you. A magic stone it is. But none of this explains how you became an instant millionaire.”

“Oh, well that was actually pretty easy…”

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(Age 10)